Saturday, June 15, 2019

Is sexual intimacy important in marriage?

This week in Family relations class I learned about sexual intimacy. There is a proper time and a place for all things. As it says in Ecclesiastes chapter three verse one, "to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Heaven" we have learned through both gospel and statistical teachings that the "time and purpose" for sexual intimacy is for us only within the bonds of a legal and lawful marriage. We learned about both healthy sex and unhealthy sex. A healthy sex life includes, being comfortable, accepting and embracing the other person, it includes respect, restraint, selflessness, and full emotional engagement. Unhealthy sex is basically the opposite of everything I just mentioned. When we are exposed (as we all are inevitably will be) to images or thoughts of lust, people often turn to being selfish. The best most fulfilling way to be successful is to focus entirely on your partner and trust them to do the exact same thing. After all a good marriage is when both people are adjusting, changing, and becoming better together. It is always a team effort even outside of sexual activity. Sometimes everything outside the bedroom is most important to having a good sex life however, sometimes sex itself can heal all wounds and bring a couple closer. Sex really can save a marriage if done right in the time and places necessary. We discussed and learned that women need to feel safe and loved in order to give of themselves to a partner, almost an exact opposite to the man who needs sex to feel loved. Why are we built this way? It seems that would actually cause problems rather than facilitate fixing them. Just as the Book of Mormon teaches, there needs be an opposition in ALL things. This is actually a blessing we are built this way so the man can show more love and support in the home, the man has to give selflessly which is against the "natural man" in all of us. Woman does not receive much pleasure from PVI (I will leave it at that) rather from a spot further upwards, this is again so we all can forget the natural and be supernatural. We can be better and more Christlike. I never thought Christlike attributes would play such a part in what the world makes seem so devilish but it truly is and ought to be a beautiful amazing wonderful Godly thing. I plead with whoever comes across this to serve others in every way and develop greater love for all. Only by developing and nurturing true selfless love can we expect to experience strong joy from marital sexual and normal intimacy. I have never realized or understood how special this part of marriage could be. Traditional sex statistically brings more joy than any other type of sex in marriage, being clean in pure is essential. It is strange but the world is distorting everything we think about sex. Pornography is rampant in society and we learned in class even the twilight saga is pornographic and that marriage and family councilors even tell wives to avoid it like pornography. Tv and movies all teach us falsehoods about what should be brought back to our Heavenly Father. There is a thing called the good girl syndrome where woman of faith are avoiding sex and running from it because for so long we are taught sex is bad. Even when they are in every right to and even should have sexual intimacy they are afraid it is sinful or devilish. We need to change the way we teach people about sex but we should not lessen its need for being within marriage. It is spiritual and should be saved but also looked forward to and not a bad thing. We should strive to be close in every way with our loved spouse. We need to respect but reverence the creative power we are given to use freely in legal and lawful marriage.

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