Saturday, July 6, 2019

Family, Finances, Fatherhood, following God's plan

 This week has been a wonderful week that has given me insight to why I want this line of work in family science. We are all blogging differently this week to get more personal and factual as well. I found an article on google simply by searching "fatherhood articles" and learned so much. I searched several articles and ended up choosing one from a website called Focus on the  
here is the actual link for anyone who reads this;

It lists out ways the father is unique and important for the development of the child.
The first thing this article teaches that stood out to me is that fathers both play and parent differently. The spirit testified of the worldly and divine truth behind this statement. This is why mothers and fathers are both so important and needed in this world. We men tend to be more aggressive and seek to teach in a tough loving way. The article says that men tickle more, they throw kids in the air, and have more aggressive fun with children where mothers would say "not so high!! or be careful!!"
Children learn the difference between fun aggression and over the top. The father disciplines differently usually more harshly.

Another point made is that a father gives confidence. The father is the one who encourages the child to push a little harder or push their limits to be the best they can, this is why I have read that those with fathers tend to have higher income and better careers. They learn to be competitive rather than to be super safe and secure, they can take more risks.

Fathers, sometimes without knowledge of this can prepare children better for the harshness of the real world where a mother would secure and protect from the world.

My favorite and the most important point to me is that a father is an example to his child of what a real man is and should be, his girls know how to find a good real man rather than just a sexual partner and boys learn how to treat women and work hard for family each and every day.

I grew up without a father but with my grandfather, grandmother and mom. My grandpa was an amazing man with his flaws no doubt but who made sure I wasn't weak when fighting the real world. He was tougher on me as a teen but as a child until then we were best buddies. I missed out on having a real father in my life because of the house my mom was raised in. When she grew up my grandpa was a drinker and not too good at all. My childhood was full of soberness and a clean grandpa who has repented. Because of the upbringing she had the man who co-created me was terrible and did not stay. It can effect entire generations and I truly believe it takes Jesus Christ and humility to overcome generational barriers. Constant repentance is key and I know that being in this field of study will help me to overcome these barriers with facts and knowledge. Knowledge is the power needed to become a good father along with an open heart and love, true deep love for my wife. That love I am lucky to develop each day.

I don't have an active example of what a man is in my life because of the missing man in my childhood, but I learned from father figures and plan to learn from research and the gospel what a real man is. I love this class and I love being able to be the man I never had. I know there will be mistakes and challenges beyond my control but I will always strive to be my very very best.

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